Summary of Topics m0746_1,746a_5,746b_3,746c_5,746d_6,94_5,1694_3,_20030808_sum.htmlSubjects 746 (746A, 746B, 746C, 746D, 94, 1694)
Bulletin Dated: August 8, 2003
The following topics were discussed at the meeting:
This bulletin contains descriptions of the outcome of the May 8, 2003 meeting of the 746 STP. This bulletin contains a wide assortment of proposals for UL 746A, UL 746C, UL 746D, UL 94, and UL 1694, with most of them being editorial in nature.
A detailed list of discussion topics is shown below.
1) Harmonization Activities in ASTM D.09 and D.20, IEC TC15, TC61 and TC89, and ISO TC61
2) Revision of Table 8.1 in UL 746A and 19.1 in UL 746B
3) Requirements for Reuse of Plastics - UL 746D
4) 42 Volt Automotive Battery Applications
5) Minimum Thickness Issues for RTIs - 746B and 746C
6) Density Variations
7) Clarification of VTM Tests in UL 94
8) Clarification of End-Product Flammability Tests in UL 746C
9) Guidelines for IR, TGA, and DSC Evaluations in UL 746A
10) Mandatory/Permissive Language in UL 94
11) Consideration of Revision Cycles
12) Consideration of Revision to Examples in Figure 8.1 of UL 746C
13) Alignment of Mechanical Property Tests in UL 746B and UL 746C
14) Editorial Revisions for UL 1694
15) Editorial Revisions for UL 746A
16) Editorial Revisions for UL 746C
17) Editorial Revisions for UL 746D
18) DMA as a Method For Evaluating Performance At Temperature
19) Additional Ratings on Plastics Recognition Cards
20) Creation of an Insulating Systems Database
21) Elimination of Categories PHDL2 and QMFZ8
22) Testing Required for Additional Manufacturing Locations
23) IQ Database for Plastics and Food Contact Plastics
24) Reminder that UL 746C Revisions Become Effective June 1, 2004
25) UL 94 Tests Not Applicable To Building Materials
26) Pre-Selection Tests For Use In Switch Evaluation Program
27) Restricted Substances