Standard 1694, Edition 3
UL 1694

Standard for Tests for Flammability of Small Polymeric Component Materials

UL Bulletin Edition 3 Published Date: May 02, 2011 Last Revision: June 05, 2024


Summary of Topics m0746a_5_20110502_sum.html

Subject 746A (94, 746B, 746C, 746D, 1692, 1694)

Bulletin Dated: May 2, 2011


The following topics were discussed at the meeting of the Standards Technical Panel for Polymeric Materials:

1. Harmonization of VTM Test Specimen Dimensional Requirements in UL 94

2. Harmonization of Conditioning Time and Temperature (UL 94)

3. Clarification of the VTM Test Procedure in UL 94

4. Harmonization of Gas Supply in UL 94

5. Editorial Revisions for UL 94

6. Clarification of UL 746C Tolerances

7. Update of Supplement SB in UL 94

8. Multiple Inputs for Polymer Variations in UL 746A

9. Voltage Ramp-Rate for Dielectric Strength and Methods to Evaluate Thin Films (UL 746A)

10. Evaluation of Films in Accordance with UL 746F (UL 746A)

11. Updating LTTA Sample Requirements in Table 20.3 of UL 746B

12. Clarification on Generic Ratings for PET, PPO (PPE) and PEI in Table 7.1 of UL 746B

13. Clarification of Requirements for Flame as a Secondary Property (UL 746B)

14. Editorial and Harmonization Revisions for UL 746C

15. Recycled Plastics - Definition of Testing and Clarification of Quality Program Requirements (UL 746D)

16. Impact Testing on Soft Materials (UL 746B and UL 746C)

17. Polymeric Materials in Applications with >25% Regrind Content (746A)

18. Rate of Oven Ventilation for UL 746B Thermal Aging Programs

19. Flammability Testing for F1 Ratings (746C)

20 . Polymeric Material Variation - Request for Clarification (746A)

21. Editorial Revisions for UL 746A

22. Clarification of HAI Electrodes Contact Point (746A)

23. Crucible for Ash Content Determination - Harmonization with ISO Method (746A)

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