Standard 1694, Edition 3
UL 1694

Standard for Tests for Flammability of Small Polymeric Component Materials

UL Bulletin Edition 3 Published Date: April 30, 2008 Last Revision: June 05, 2024


Summary of Topics m0746a_5_20080430_sum.html

Subject 746A (94, 746B, 746C, 746D, 1692, 1694)

Bulletin Dated: April 30, 2008


The following topics were discussed at the meeting:

1. Possible clarifications to the 5V test method (UL 94)

2. Possible clarification of the VTM Test (UL 94)

3. Compatibility of the material requirements in application standards such as UL 1977 with the testing samples as currently defined in UL 94 and 746

4. Secondary Property flame testing (UL 746B)

5. Selection of oven temperatures (UL 746B)

6. Clarification of the terms Absolute, Normalized, Full Testing, and Critical Properties (746A)

7. Clause 8.9 - Polymer variations - ranges of materials (UL 746A)

8. Polymer Variations - Revision of Table 19.1 (UL 746B)

9. Revised requirements for HB flame testing under material variation program (UL 746B)

10. Regarding the RTI temperature (UL 746B)

11. Gas flow rates for test flames (UL 94 and UL 746C)

12. GWEPT - GWFI requirements (UL 746C)

13. Glow-wire end-product test (GWEPT) paragraph 12.3.1 (746C)

14. Glow wire testing for materials adjacent to connections (UL 746C)

15. Go and No-Go Gauges for flammability samples (UL 94)

16. Section 8.9.2 - Define "Comparable" for Relevant Tests (746A)

17. Polymer Variation Consistency - UL746A Document versus Online Polymer Variation Tool (746A)

18. Natural Color (NC) Specimen Requirement for Color-Sensitive Tests (All Color Recognition)(746A)

19. Requirements for ReUse of Polymeric Material (746D)

20. ANSI Reaffirmation of UL 746D

21. Clarification of Ball Pressure Test (UL 746A)

22. Offset Principle for Impact Testing (UL 746B and UL 746C)

23. Comparative Tracking Index (CTI) Requirements (UL 746C and UL 746A)

24. Definition of End Point (UL 746B)

25. Oven Overlapping (UL 746B)

26. Data Points to Confirm the Property End Point (UL 746B)

27. Correlation Times (UL 746B)

28. Related Materials - RTIs (UL 746B)

29. Proposed Revision of Laboratory Atmosphere Requirements (UL 94)

30. UL 94 Editorial correction (UL 94)

31. Long Term Thermal Aging (LTTA) Ovens (UL 746B)

32. Gardner Impact Test (UL 746C)

33. Glow-Wire Tests (746A)

34. (Added Discussion item): Pollution Degree Guidelines for Relay Switches

35. (Added Discussion item): Increase the Generic Thermal Index of Polyimide Film from 130�C to 200�C

36. (Added Discussion item): Revise Requirements for Test Ovens in UL 746B

37. (Added Discussion item): Revise HAI and HWI Requirements in Table 6.1 of UL 746C for VTM Rated Materials

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